March 11, 2024
To our Blue Stilly Family,
Like everyone else, we are staying at home. We are fortunate to have our facilities here and can continue production of varieties we have in stock.
As good citizens you are likely staying at home also and may be running low on coffee.
We have had some inquiries about delivery and as it stands right now, we intend to continue with our upcoming schedule the week of April 5th. There is a possibility your favorite variety may be in short supply and substitutions may be necessary. Please be patient with our choices.
Because people are staying at home, we have had many inquiries addressing the availability of our coffee. We have decided to do a limited interim roast. If we are unable to provide home delivery we will ship USPS. If you reside in Washington, we can ship up to 3 pounds between $7.68 and $8.05 and up to 5 pounds for around $8.68. Please contact us with your choice and we will do our best with the availability of beans we have currently in stock.
If you are running low on coffee this coming week, please email, call or text us before TUESDAY so we can get your shipment out by THURSDAY.
Remember, we are still sending your regular delivery the week of the 5th, so order only what you need to get through this extraordinary time.
Wash your hands and stay safe!
Rick & Sue